Your wellness, health & safety are our concern.
With recent reports of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Pennsylvania, we recognize the importance of pandemic preparedness and overall safety of our staff and clients at our offices. While pandemics are unpredictable in their timing and severity, there are a number of precautionary measures we can take to protect your safety and the safety of our staff.
As always, we focus on cleaning heavily used surfaces such as our front counters, conference tables, and door knobs. We are committed to continuously maintain alcohol-based hand sanitizers and soap dispensers as part of our daily duties in all of our offices. It is a small, but important measure, to help stop the spread of disease – as is washing your hands thoroughly.
As a firm, we are prepared to continue to provide you the best possible service and have the ability to collaborate remotely with each other and with you. We are available via phone but can also be available through a video conference call. We encourage you to utilize your free and secure portal to upload your important financial documents.
Contact your Accountant or Bookkeeper directly to set up your portal or request a virtual meeting, if necessary.
Thank you for your continued trust in Gift CPAs.